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Practitioner Agreement Reiki, Sleep Well and other Programs

My Personal Agreement with you:

I will

Conduct all my dealings with you in absolute dignity, respect, honesty, confidentially, and as an equal.
Hold a space of non-judgement.
Always conduct myself with integrity, responsibility and accountability
Always attend all meetings on time
Always be prepared for your call or face to face session
Uphold you as a powerful creator of your own experience through free will and responsible for your own choices.
Treat all information discussed with you or written to you, with confidentiality. I will not divulge any part thereof to any third party according to GDPR (Excluding the Police or a legal body)
Be committed to both the spirit and the letter of any agreements made with you
Always ask in advance for written permission from you before releasing your name as referee
Not defraud, misrepresent, deceive or mislead you


I welcome communication between our calls via email. It is my expectation that you will reach out if you hit a “sticky” spot that you would like some feedback on, and that you will share the successes that you have on the way to creating a life you love!

As agreed, I will respond to your emails promptly.


I will also call or email you if there is something to share or if I have a thought or idea which might be useful to you between our sessions together. I love providing this extra level of service and will not charge you for it.

If I say or do something that upsets you or does not feel right, please let me know. I want to provide you with the service and support you need and believe that honesty and trust are critical for our relationship to grow. I want this to be an open and safe place for you to come with confidence, and I ask that you let me know if there is ever anything that you are concerned about in our work together so that I can do what is necessary for you to be satisfied and happy.

I can ensure that I will always work in your best interests and keep any information shared with me entirely confidential.

Signed: Ruth Kaplan Date: _________________

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